The Silent Ones: Guardians of the Unseen

The Silent Ones: Guardians of the Unseen
Samshiel, Angel of the Eclipse- Angelarium

In the stillness of the night, when the world falls into a quiet slumber, there exist a presence that is neither seen nor heard , yet felt deeply by those attuned to the whispers of the divine. They are The Silent Ones- the keepers of ancient wisdom, the guardians of unseen realms, and the protectors of our soul's deepest journeys.

We rarely speak of them, not because they are insignificant, but because their presence is beyond words. Their communication flows like the wind, not through voices but through impressions, dreams, and the subtle nudges of intuition. The Silent Ones walk beside us, guiding our steps, gently nudging us away from danger, and at times, pushing us toward the unknown for our own growth.

These beings- call them ancestors,spirits, or simply the unseen - are the quiet watchers of the world. They come not to make grand gestures but to weave together the moments of our lives, creating meaning in the mundane, helping us see beyond the surface. They are the unsung heroes of our spiritual journeys, reminding us that not all power is loud, and not all wisdom comes in the form of grand revelations.

When we close our eyes and sit in silence, tuning in to the energy that surrounds us, we may begin to feel them. They speak in the language of silence, in the stillness of our hearts , guiding us toward our true selves. As you walk through your own path of life- through struggles, joy, and the in-between- remember that you are never truly alone. The Silent Ones are there with you , always.

So, when the world feels heavy and loud, take a moment to honor them . Light a candle, whisper a word of thanks, or simply sit in quiet reflection. They ask for nothing, but give us everything: strength, wisdom, and the quiet reassurance that the universe is far more vast and mysterious than we could ever comprehend.

Brandi Kelly

Writer ,Artist , Lover of Music
North Carolina, United States